Tennessee 2017

Our luxury accommodations

Ben and Hasty on the porch of the Fish Farm

Breakfast chef

Bro Logan

Cabin with lawn ornament

Andie Jayne

Candy Aisle: Crane Creek Market

Carlyza's nice hat

Carlyza's nice doll

Expressive Hasty

Our rental: Bez Valley Fish Farm. Very beautiful!

Freda and Andie Jayne


Jonathan and the problem tree. Look close. Zach is on top of the problem.

LA and Zachary

Mennonite petunias

Mom and Ginger


Nathan and Ben

Nathaniel and Hannah

Pam, Rachel, and Emil's banana pudding

Sharon, Rosella, and baby Kristin

Sharon, Zach, Andie Jayne

Big crowd for supper

Steve and Nathan

Carley and her kids

Van chows down at Mount Eagle

Van and kids in the morning

Zachary had a little lamb, fleece white as snow

Sharon and young-uns

Zach and the pups

Zach's farm