In the car
Not another dumb picture!
By the police station
Third of five total hours in the surf
Susie's barn viewed from the front (or back) porch
Beach peas
Haden and Jackson
A-6 bomber at Calverton Grumman
Dusty Boots - Susie and Walter's back yard
F-14 figthter jet
On the ferry
Gosman's Dock restaurant
More hydragnias at St. Mary's
Jane likes sitting on the fence
Read me a story, Grandma Rachel!
Singing my solo
Nice house in Dehring Harbor
On the ferry for the first time
Water skiing!
Where Walter works
Rachel on the ferry
Anthony took this at St. Mary's church
Friend Richard Towne's brick at Calverton park
She is up!
Shells, lots of 'em
West Neck Bay
Susie in her kitchen
What a place!
Two swingers
One of the neighborhood kids
Two South Ferry
Anthony gets a lesson
Inside the Police Station
Walter has a neat go-kart!
Walter in the kitchen
Flowers on the front (or back) porch
Watch me paint!
Watercolor artists
Wood burning system
Work crew