Freda, Fred, Vera, Roxelene 1918
Cloide, Roxelene, Freda Pace, Traverse City, MI about 1934
Daddy and his guitar
Moving to Florida
Mom at the New Hampshire shore, 2006
Almost 100, March 2018
At the beach, 1959
Mama and Daddy, 1954
Nice bear at the dump. Be careful!
The coursage goes on ~~ it's Mom's 90th birthday bash
Everyone turns out for Aunt Freda
90th birthday cake
with Rachel and Paul, 2014
About 20 years. What a babe!
Oscar and Freda, about 1951
Gunner Mom
God Bless Anthony!
Dyanna loves Grandma
Mom, Papa, Anthony at Tom's
Van and Tom
Sharon and Rachel
Young family, 1960
Cake ablaze, 2009, 91 years
The offspring
The offspring and their spouses
Donna and Marvin love Aunt Freda
Fishing with Freda
Uncle Fred
Uncle Bill