book creation gods way comparing theories of creation and evolution an illustrated book for you by paul richards cosmology evolution creation faith science book read compare young earth darwin reason    


          Creation God's Way
  • 54 pages
  • 6 chapters
  • 22 illustrations
  • 36 works cited
  • Dozens of comparisons of creation and evolution
  • Overview of Judeo-Christian creationism
  • Addresses the question of science vs. faith

    preview of book    

       What's your take on the 2004 discovery of soft tissue in dinosaur fossils? Good question! Have you thought about it? Did you even know it happened?

Creation God s Way presents comprehensive, side-by-side comparisons of creation vs. evolution for your thoughtful evaluation, and then emphasizes the importance of your own personal worldview when interpreting scientific data.

Creation and evolution are not open-and-shut issues. You must consider the evidence and render your own verdict beyond a reasonable doubt. Read the book. It's only 54 pages. Then think it through!

    table of contents    



Millions of people choose to ignore questions about creation and evolution. Don t be one of them!

Overview of Biblical Creation

The Bible describes the universe in two parts the natural universe and the supernatural universe.

Quenching Our Thirst for Knowledge

Science gives us knowledge. So do religious studies. Can the two get along?

High Points of the Creation vs. Evolution Debate

There are remarkable differences between creation and evolution, and a substantial controversy rages between the two. Here are examples from both sides.

Seven Theories of Creation and Evolution

We catalog seven different theories of creation and evolution. Some are compatible with the Bible; some are not. Which one do you accept?

Answers to Questions about God, Mankind, and the Bible

Does God exist? Is the human race special? Can faith and science co-exist? It s time you answer these questions for yourself.


    comparison of creation and evolution    

    Creation God's Way is a study in comparisons. The book treats both sides of the creation vs. evolution debate equally. Here are four examples.
  • Albert Einstein
  • TalkOrigins Index
  • The Bible's Parallel Universe
  • Personal Questions

Albert Einstein - One of our greatest thinkers, Albert Einstein, wrote in a 1941 proceedings:

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. - Albert Einstein

Einstein was not Christian, nor was he an observant Jew in the normal senses of these words, nevertheless he included religious faith when trying to quench his thirst for knowledge. He acknowledged religion as part of the age-old quest for knowledge, which comes in-line with the evidence portion of this Bible verse:

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
- Hebrews 11:1 [KJV]

Judeo-Christian faith, then, provides evidence of the unseen, invisible, supernatural world described so vividly in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. Nevertheless, most scientists today reject it, in spite of Einstein's assertion.

TalkOrigins Index - The TalkOrigins web site has a masterful index of creation claims, each with a reference to creationist material and each refuted by evolutionist material. It is a good place to grasp the scope of the debate. The table below provides a small number of examples taken from the TalkOrigins index.

creation evolution book compare faith science

The Bible's Parallel Universe - In addition to the three components of the natural universe: (1) space, (2) time, and (3) energy or matter, the Bible talks about three components of a supernatural universe, and here the Bible and secular science differ. Unlike early scientists like Newton and Pascal, today's scientists often restrict their thinking to the natural, physical universe. The supernatural has been systematically eliminated from secular science over the past 100 years or so.

Nevertheless, according to the Bible, God created three components of a supernatural universe: (1) the invisible realm, (2) eternity, and (3) soul or spirit. Apart from physical existence, the Bible clearly speaks of a different and separate kind of existence a spiritual existence, an autonomous existence, and existence we call supernatural, that is, apart from nature. Secular science constrains itself to what we can detect with human senses and rationalize with human minds. The Bible has no such constraints.

universe creation evolution book compare faith science

Personal Questions - Pondering questions about the origin of life, the origin of the universe, Bible creation, and secular evolution causes you to address issues that are much more important than simply Who's right. Consider, for instance, questions that can shape a young person's life, or help older people work through tough decisions. These are questions about God, mankind, and the Bible.

creation evolution book compare faith science

Questions like these are never addressed in formal creation vs. evolution studies, but they are absolutely essential for your own personal understanding of how the universe works. Creation God's Way answers these question from both pro-creation and pro-evolution viewpoints. Your own personal answers reveal your worldview, which may be completely biblical, completely secular, or somewhere in between.


    work cited    


1. Ken Funk, What is a Worldview? Oregon State University, 21 March 2001,

2. Wikipedia contributors, God, Wikipedia, (accessed 11 January 2020),

3. Wikipedia contributors, List of Christians in science and technology, Wikipedia, (accessed 17 January 2020),

4. J. F. Snyder, Does Creation Really Matter?, (United States of America: Kindle Direct Publishing, 2018), 15-30.

5. Stephen Battersby, Introduction: Cosmology, New Scientist, 4 September 2006,

6. Stephanie M. Bucklin, A History of Dark Matter, Ars Technica, 3 February 2017,

7. Charles Q. Choi, Top 10 Things That Make Humans Special, Live Science, 25 March 2016,

8. Juli Peret , Controversies on the Origin of Life, International Microbiology, University of Valencia, Spain, 18 February 2005,

9. Philip Ball, Man Made: A History of Synthetic Life, Science History Institute, 15 April 2016,

10. Albert Einstein, Science and Religion, Science, Philosophy and Religion, A Symposium, The Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion in Their Relation to the Democratic Way of Life, Inc., New York, 1941, article available online from Uppsala University:

11. Wikipedia contributors, Galileo Galilei, Wikipedia, (accessed 17 January 2020),

12. Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D., Six Steps of the Scientific Method, ThoughtCo, 18 February 2020,

13. George Smith, Newton's Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Winter 2008, Edward N Zalta, editor,

14. Edward J. Larson & Larry Witham, Leading Scientists Still Reject God, Nature, 23 July 1998,

15. Andrew Kohut, Director, Public Praises Science; Scientists Fault Public, Media, Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, 9 July 2009,

16. Dr. Paul Link, Principle Investigator, What are Stratigraphic Columns? Idaho Museum of Natural History, 18 March 2018,

17. Agnes Hooper Gottlieb, Henry Gottlieb, Barbara Bowers, Brent Bowers, 1000 Years, 1,000 People: Ranking the Men and Women Who Shaped the Millennium, Wisdom Portal, 1998,

18. Dr. Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology, (Leicester, England: Inter-Varsity Press and Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1994), 262-314. PDF availabe at:

19. J. F. Snyder, Does Creation Really Matter?, (United States of America: Kindle Direct Publishing, 2018), 1-117.

20. TalkOrigins contributors, Exploring the Creation/Evolution Controversy TalkOrigins Archive, Usenet newsgroup, 1998-2016,

21. Wikipedia contributors, Evolution, Wikipedia, (accessed 1 January 2020),

22. Mark, Isaak, editor, An Index to Creationist Claims, TalkOrigins Archive, Usenet newsgroup, 5 November 2006,

23. Kaufmann Kohler, Emil G. Hirsch, Deism, Jewish Encyclopedia, 1906, (accessed 26 March 2020),

24. Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Jefferson's Religious Beliefs, Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia, Th Jefferson Monticello, 24 July 2016,

25. Wikipedia contributors, Geochronology, Wikipedia, (accessed 12 December 2019),

26. Norriss S. Hetherington and W. Patrick McCray, Spencer R. Weart, editor, Cosmic Journey: A History of Scientific Cosmology, American Institute of Physics, 2020,

27. Dr. Edward J. Wollack, Britt Griswold, webmaster, Universe 101: Big Bang Theory, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 24 June 2011,

28. Natalie Wolchover, What's the Total Energy in the Universe? LiveScience, 18 March 2011,

29. John van Wyhe, editor, The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online, Darwin Online, 2002,

30. Wikipedia contributors, List of transitional fossils, Wikipedia, (accessed 16 January 2020),

31. Dr. Wayne Grudem, 1994. Systematic Theology, (Leicester, England: Inter-Varsity Press and Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1994), 275 279.

32. GotQuestions authors, What is biblical hermeneutics? Got Questions Ministries, (accessed 30 March 2020),

33. Dr. Wayne Grudem, op. cit., "Theory of a Gap Between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, 287 289.

34. Ibid, "Day-Age View, 298 300.

35. Ibid, Literary Framework View, 300 304.

36. Ibid, "Creation With an Appearance of Age (Mature Creationism), 304 307.


    author bio paul richards    

       Paul Richards is an electrical engineer who has worked for many decades on complex projects in aeronautics, radar, global positioning, seismology, systems engineering, and computer science. Now retired, his interests focus on web development, appraisal of collectible coins (, the Bible, and Judeo-Christian thinking. Paul and his lovely wife, Rachel, live in Florida, where they attend a Pentecostal church. Paul does business as Stat-Matics ( The striking original artwork in this book is by Monica Minto (       

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